Alfresco pdf toolkit install
Alfresco pdf toolkit install

alfresco pdf toolkit install

To use this file to sign your PDF documents, add the key to a space in Alfresco. Answer any questions that keytool asks and you will have a "keystore.ks" file created. To generate a simple keystore that can be used to sign a document, run keytool with the following options: 1 keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias "Your Name" -keypass yourpass -keystore keystore.ks -dname "cn=Your Name, c=US" Dont' forget to substitute your name, new keystore password and country.

#Alfresco pdf toolkit install full

A full explanation of the keytool and certificate chains is outisde the scope of this article, so please read up on how certificates and keytool work before you implement this on any kind of scale. This can be done using the "keytool" command line application that is bundled with the JDK. The simplest way to try this out is to create a self-signed certificate. As usual, you can either download the AMP file (version 0.94) or grab the full source code from Google Code and build it yourself. The signature can be applied as either a visible signature block or as an invisible signature.

alfresco pdf toolkit install

Using iText, the Alfresco PDF Toolkit can take a JKS keystore stored in the Alfresco repository and use it to sign a PDF document. This signing facility allows subsequent consumers to verify that the document was signed by a particular key, the trust chain of that key and whether or not the document has been modified since signing. Adobe PDF documents support a digital signature facility that uses a private key to add a verifiable signature to a document. As of version 0.94, we can now add a basic digital signature capability to the list. In previous releases of the Alfresco PDF Toolkit we have added text and image watermarks, document encryption and permission management. Alfresco PDF Toolkit - Digital Signatures Written by Nathan McMinn Tuesday, 12 October 2010 18:35 If you work with legal documents such as contracts, PDF document security is probably a part of your requirements.

Alfresco pdf toolkit install